Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PAIL January 2013 - Where Do Babies Come From?

Who or What is PAIL?
The purpose of the monthly theme post is to gather a variety of perspectives on the same topic from around the blogosphere.

Where Do Babies Come From?

I actually found out the answer to this question at school. I didn't even know about p.eriods, until I had my first one.

My parents were older at the time (over 30 when I was born, which is about average these days), but s.ex & the like was never mentioned. My first insight was from a fellow grade 5 girl (age 10), who proceeded to share the in's & out's (pardon the pun), of everything. I then got the s.ex ed talk at school (in either grade 5 or 6), that spelt out the truth.

 Luckily I've not been asked this by my 2 yet, but the truth is, there there are lots of places babies come from.  Sure you have the old fashioned traditional way (that those of us who have been through infertility can only dream of).  There's adoption (but then when you speak about adoption, it's not just where babies come from, but toddlers, pre-preschoolers...).  There's fertility treatments that mix with the old fashioned way (like Clomid, OI, AI...).  Then there's the big guns (IUI, IVF, donor gametes, donor embryos).  For me, the answer lies in the big guns. The really big guns.

When I'm asked by my boys where they came from, I'll tell them the whole story & even let them read my old blog (that is of course, when the time is right). But when is the right time?

My boys were conceive with IVF/ICSI & the help of an anonymous s.perm donor (see I told you really big guns). The V.ictorian A.ssisted R.eproductive T.reatment A.uthority has a few resources on telling/talking to donor-conceived people. It gives you advice on how to start, what age & how much info to pass on. They also have a T.ime To T.ell S.eminar. From the previous link "This seminar provides practical tips on how, when and what to communicate so that parents are empowered and children feel enriched by the unique way in which they came into this world". I haven't attended a seminar yet, nor have I broached the subject with my kids. I do think they & others alike deserve the truth, although some others who have conceived this way seem to be ashamed & prefer to keep it a secret.

Anyway, long story short, I haven't really thought about what, when & how I will tell them. Thanks to this question, I think it's about time I started seriously thinking about it, because I'm sure that it will come sooner, rather than later.

This is part of the PAIL monthly theme post series!

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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

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