I Must Confess…I Feel…
- You can go with the prompt for the week or add your own confession, whatever suits.
- Please go forth and share the comment love – it is bloggy crack after all!
Today on I Must Confess, Kristy asks us how do we feel about yourself and our life right now? Are we conflicted like her?
Today, I feel...
- Tired - I have increased the hours I sleep per night (I'm now averaging just over 6, but still no where near enough), but my quality of sleep is just not happening.
- Annoyed - There are idiots on dirt bikes, who ride around the park opposite, until all hours. It's 8.15pm & they are out there now, making noise & destroying parkland.
- Stressed - I had ex staying here (for about 8wks) when he broke his arm & then for the last few weeks (about 6wks) after his kidney transplant & trying to deal with 3 kids (there is a reason why he is my ex. I am sure he has undiagnosed ADHD/ADD & being around him, I just feel like I'm drowning), is just too much. The yelling, arguing & carry on (mainly from ex, but at times from all 3), is just draining. I've even dropped my hours at work for the moment, to lower the stress levels there. Unfortunately, it's not working.
- Upset - A pushed a child of the top of a slide at a playground yesterday. He peed on a child at daycare last week. He is destructive & distracting & I'm sure there's more to it. But right now, I'm upset that my child is like this.
- Anxious - About everything lately. Finances, work issues, home issues, the kids, health... It's continuous.
- Fat - I'm at a weight that I have NEVER ever been. I know I've spoken about loosing weight, but somehow (and I know how), lately, I just keep putting it on. I know I am a lazy fat cow, because I prefer to sit on the couch, watch TV & eat food, rather than eat healthy & exercise. I need to do something soon, because I am starting to find it hard to breathe (especially lying down at night. I probably have sleep apnoea).
- Alone - Even with the above going on & work being chaos, I feel alone. I have no close friends (always been the case). It would be nice to have someone I could talk, to when I need a shoulder to lean on. Someone who I could go & have a coffee with, or see a movie. Sigh. I suppose I have made this issue myself, as I do like to keep to myself.
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