Christmas Questionnaire

Hot Chocolate or Eggnog?
Hot Chocolate.
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree?
Wraps presents.
Coloured lights or white?
Coloured on the tree.
When do you decorate?
Normally December 1st, but this year, I've been lazy & haven't (Long story. I'm a very bad mother. I've even told the kids they aren't getting any presents. <~ See, I am a bad mother).
Real or Fake Tree?
I would LOVE a real tree, but have never had one. I just stick to the cheap, plastic variety.
What Tops Your Tree?
A star.
Favourite Christmas Memories or Traditions?
We used to go to my aunt's house & have a big family Christmas with my cousins. That stopped when my Grandmother passed, then we all grew apart.
Do you remember your favourite gift as a child?
A Cabbage Patch Kid my Nanna & Dad bought me.
Do prefer giving or receiving?
If I said receiving, I'd be a cow... wouldn't I. I do find it difficult to buy presents, as with the kids, their likes change as often as they change their underwear. I'm one who would buy everyone a gift voucher & let the choose themselves, but where's the personal touch with that.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I do like Jingle Bell Rock & All I want for Christmas is you.
Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum?
I'm not a fan.
Favourite Christmas Movie?
Love Actually
Do you shop online or at stores?
This year, I've done both.
Photo Cards, Letter or Store Bought Card?
Once upon a time, I did store bought Christmas Cards, but for the last few years, I've done nothing. Facebook & Twitter have been my lazy way of wishing people Seasons Greetings
Coloured lights or white?
Coloured on the tree.
When do you decorate?
Normally December 1st, but this year, I've been lazy & haven't (Long story. I'm a very bad mother. I've even told the kids they aren't getting any presents. <~ See, I am a bad mother).
Real or Fake Tree?
I would LOVE a real tree, but have never had one. I just stick to the cheap, plastic variety.
What Tops Your Tree?
A star.
Favourite Christmas Memories or Traditions?
We used to go to my aunt's house & have a big family Christmas with my cousins. That stopped when my Grandmother passed, then we all grew apart.
Do you remember your favourite gift as a child?
A Cabbage Patch Kid my Nanna & Dad bought me.
Do prefer giving or receiving?
If I said receiving, I'd be a cow... wouldn't I. I do find it difficult to buy presents, as with the kids, their likes change as often as they change their underwear. I'm one who would buy everyone a gift voucher & let the choose themselves, but where's the personal touch with that.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I do like Jingle Bell Rock & All I want for Christmas is you.
Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum?
I'm not a fan.
Favourite Christmas Movie?
Love Actually
Do you shop online or at stores?
This year, I've done both.
Photo Cards, Letter or Store Bought Card?
Once upon a time, I did store bought Christmas Cards, but for the last few years, I've done nothing. Facebook & Twitter have been my lazy way of wishing people Seasons Greetings