Thursday, January 2, 2014

One Little Word for 2014

My Truth Monday is a 12 part series from Denise at Sunny Days in Second Grade. I've missed quite a few weeks now, but have decided to join in with the last week.

This weeks My Truth Monday (Yes, I know I'm a few days late), is your One Little Word for 2014.

I need more patience with everything in my life. The kids, the ex, work...

My OLW for 2013 was Breathe & I found myself repeating it A LOT.

Hopefully I can become a more patient person, by the end of 2014.

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Hi There, I am...

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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

Let's go back... way back.

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