Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Slimming Sunday #2

I'm a little late this week, but better late than never.

The 1st pic I've included this week, was a weekly summary from the previous week, that I received on my S Health app on Thursday. It shows my comparison with other women my age.

On average, I am active 8 mins more, do 315 more steps & eat 550 more calories per day, but I am sleeping 1hr 40 mins less. So there are positives & negatives to look at there.

So last week I ate more calories but I burnt more which is good and I had a 66 calorie balance per day (is that good or not?)

I slept more each night, but slept less for the week (how does that work?)

I was also active more per day. WooHoo!

I stepped on the scales & apparently dropped 800gms since I last weighed in 2wks ago. Double WooHoo!

This week I purchased a kettlebell, 2 dumbbells & a skipping rope, out of my savings for #MPC, so I am now further away from being able to afford to join but am not only getting prepared for when the time comes but using the equipment now. Still hoping for an MPC Angel sponsorship so I will be able to join sooner, while I continue to save & maybe will be able to pay it forward for next year.

That's me for the last week. Please go & visit the link below & see what others are sharing.

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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

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