Multiples and More QOTW: What do you think of the toy ban?
There's been a lot of discussion lately about the proposed toy ban at McDonald's. If you haven't heard about this, check out the story on CNN. From what I've seen it's a pretty heated debate, some people say that the toys are used a marketing ploy to get kids to eat at McDonald's. Last time I checked, our kids can't drive, so obviously the parents/caregivers have something to do with it. My stance on the whole topic is this (and you can agree or disagree, no hard feelings here): The issue of childhood obesity and toys in Happy Meals, which is what the debate is boiling down to, really has nothing to do with toys, in my opinion. Parents have to be educated on what they are feeding their children. My kids have eaten at McDonald's, it's definitely a treat for them whenever we do go, the toys have zero influence. And am I the only one that noticed only McDonald's is being targeted? What about Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, etc? So here's the question:
What do you think of the toy ban?
Well this is obviously in reference to an American government decision, but definitely relevant world wide.
R&A rarely (they are 2 for goodness sakes), get junk food. I am the parent & they are the child/ren, so when the time comes, it will be my final decision whether or not they eat junk, not whether they have collected all 4 toys in the series at Maccas.
When I was growing up, happy meals were just starting out. I can remember getting a plastic ship/boat, that was the box to the meal. When you finished your meal, you had stickers to stick on the ship/boat to pretty it up IYKWIM.
I will admit (pre-kids) buying a happy meal or three, because I (as an adult) thought that they had an OK toy in it. TBH, since the boys were born, I haven't even noticed what toys accompany happy meals (maybe that's because we [in Australia] have a ban on junk food being advertised during children's television viewing times).
So long story short, it doesn't bother me if they have a toy or not. IMO, I don't think it will stop parents buying junk food for their children, if they were planning on doing it anyway. The only ones who will be upset will be the kids & how long do the kids actually play with those toys anyway (I'm sure they are forgotten about, before the car is out of the car park).

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