Thursday Thunks #1
Thursday Thunks is kind of like Meet Me on Monday.
So here's my 1st TT.
Thursday Thunks: Back to High School
1. Who was your best friend?
My close friends were Mel, Nat, Liz & Cat. I see Mel now & again, but haven't heard from the rest since high school
2. Did you play any sports?
I did play Netball, until I stuffed my knee (I tore the cartilage the 1st time I tried to Ice Skate). I then needed an op on my other knee & that was it for sports participation.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
I didn't get my licence until I left school (I assume this question was asked, because it was a US blog & they get their licences earlier than we do in Aus).
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you?
At home watching telly (I was bor-ing).
5. Were you a party animal?
Not really. I wasn't allowed to go to a proper party until I was 14 & even though it was around the corner, I still wasn't allowed to sleep over (my parents were tight).
6. Were you considered hot?
No.I was one of the 'bogans'.
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir?
I was in the school choir, but as with the rest, wasn't very good.
8. Were you a nerd?
Well I did do my work & school & was a goodie goodie, but when it came to homework I was slack & that's what let me down.
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled?
NO. I was sent out of the room once, for being insolent.
10. Can you sing the fight song?
We didn't have a school/fight song that I know of (another US high school question I suppose).

Thursday Thunks (TT) is a blog meme for those who need a little kick in the butt to find something to post about. Your blog posts/answers to TT's can be type or pictures, doesn't matter! You pick, not us, we just give you the assignment (yep, just like english class... Only we won't grade your spelling & grammer).
So here's my 1st TT.
Thursday Thunks: Back to High School
1. Who was your best friend?
My close friends were Mel, Nat, Liz & Cat. I see Mel now & again, but haven't heard from the rest since high school
2. Did you play any sports?
I did play Netball, until I stuffed my knee (I tore the cartilage the 1st time I tried to Ice Skate). I then needed an op on my other knee & that was it for sports participation.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
I didn't get my licence until I left school (I assume this question was asked, because it was a US blog & they get their licences earlier than we do in Aus).
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you?
At home watching telly (I was bor-ing).
5. Were you a party animal?
Not really. I wasn't allowed to go to a proper party until I was 14 & even though it was around the corner, I still wasn't allowed to sleep over (my parents were tight).
6. Were you considered hot?
No.I was one of the 'bogans'.
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir?
I was in the school choir, but as with the rest, wasn't very good.
8. Were you a nerd?
Well I did do my work & school & was a goodie goodie, but when it came to homework I was slack & that's what let me down.
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled?
NO. I was sent out of the room once, for being insolent.
10. Can you sing the fight song?
We didn't have a school/fight song that I know of (another US high school question I suppose).