Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unconscious Mutterings #8

October started so well, but as usual, it's all fallen in a heap.

Here is this week's Unconscious Mutterings.

Week 451
  1. Earrings :: I have 2
  2. Tomorrow :: Monday
  3. Soft :: Bed
  4. Idiots :: Everywhere
  5. Portraits :: Memories
  6. Handicap :: Disability
  7. Collar :: Lipstick
  8. Blouse :: Shirt
  9. Wool :: Sheep
  10. Statistic :: Records
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Hi There, I am...

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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

Let's go back... way back.

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