Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Previous Lives

Have you ever wondered who you were, what you'd done or whether a previous life has something to do with your current one?
Well I have thought about it a few times when someone has mentioned it, or a TV show/movie has discussed it, but not in depth. Until these past few weeks, months.

"Why (for instance), was I bullied at school?", "Why was I made to wait for a partner?", "Why was I dealt the infertility card" & "Am I now being punished, for something I did in a previous life?".

I suppose I need to see a psychic. A good one, who specialises in past lives. But who & where? I did see a psychic a few years ago. I didn't feel comfortable with her (she kept asking questions & IMO,if she was good at her profession, then she should have already known the answers). She did mention a blonde curly haired boy (of whom I had actually dreamed about when I was about 15 or so). Scary hey.

Anyway, this has all come from the events of the past few months & I think I need to discover what path I have taken before, to get to where I am today (IYKWIM).
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Hi There, I am...

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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

Let's go back... way back.

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