Thursday Thunks #2

This week's questions are...
1. If you could be a Muppet, which would you be?
Hmmm... Probably Fozzie. Cute, cuddly & funny.
2. Why is a chicken crossing the road in the first place??
To have a coffee & donut with Elvis at the 7 eleven.
3. What's your favorite muscle?
The Heart.
4. Cheerios or Rice Krispies?
If I had to choose, I'd pick Rice Krispies (which are Rice Bubbles here in Australia).
5. Is summer ever going to get here?
Well Summer for us Aussies has been & gone. It wasn't the long hot summer that some like, but it suited me.
I like winter. You can always keep warm, but it's hard to keep cool. Speaking of winter, it's going to be a long winter. We've already had some cold days & nights. If only I could hibernate for the winter.
6. Have you ever had a utility turned off by mistake or some other reason besides weather or nonpayment?
No, not tat I can think of.
7. What was your "last day" of something?
Feb 15th 2011 was my last of maternity leave.
8. Casey Anthony - do you know who I'm talking about and, if you do, are you following the trial?
I have no idea who this person is. Google is my friend, but I have no wish to know anymore, due to the circumstances of the case. :(
9. Back to Bud's high school questions last week - did you have any type of class trip, band trip, etc? Where did you go, what did you do?
I went ice skating (for the first time) for someone's communication project, twisted my knee & ended up needing to have the cartilaginous in my knee removed.
10. Do you feet smell?