MOB Society's Boy Mom Blog Hop 2011

I'm going to join the M.O.B. Society's 1st Annual Boy Mom Blog Hop.
Here's a little about the M.O.B. Society.
M.O.B. Society has an incredible line up of writers just itching to share their hearts with you. Come meet women who understand what it means to watch your boys, your very heart, walk around outside your body. They understand your desire to protect him no matter what, while also allowing God to have His perfect way in his life. Women with young boys, older boys, special needs boys and itty bitty boys. Single moms, unequally yoked moms and pastor’s wives. We have it all. God is giving us it all.
So Welcome one & all, new & old to my humble blog.
About Me:
My name is Jules, I'm 33 & I'm from Melbourne, Australia. I'm a footy fanatic (AFL), I work PT (since returning from maternity leave) & just LOVE being a Mum.
About my Blog:
I talk about everything here & do participate in blog hops/linky's or memes more often than not (it keeps me posting).
I started off blogging a long time ago, when I was dealing with infertility. 5+yrs & countless IVF cycles later, I am just blogging about life, which now includes being a parent of twins.
About my boys:
After 8 IVF transfers (3yrs of IVF), I fell pregnant with twin boys, who were born 10wks premature in April 2009. R & A are my everything.
R has grey/blue eyes & straight blonde hair, while A has sky blue eyes & curly blonde hair. They are fraternal (even though every second person tells me they look so alike).
R is everything a big brother is. He has so much self confidence & never wants to miss out on anything. If he sees someone doing something, he needs to know what's going on.
On the flip side, A is quiet & reserved. You will find him playing with cars in the corner by himself, or reading quietly. Their carers at day-care think they are opposite, because A is apparently an extrovert while he is there.
Now some people will think this is a little strange. What I mean by that, is the MOB Society is a blog about raising boys to love GOD. Sure I don't go to church, study the Bible or practice the 10 commandments, but I do believe & I thank GOD every night, for the precious gifts he gave me. Yes, he made me wait (for a long time), but that wait was worth every kiss, cuddle & giggle, that I can finally now experience, with my beautiful boys.