Saturday, February 4, 2012

To Her Door - Paul Kelly

This week's Then Sings My Soul Saturday, is an Aussie Classic.

When you think of Aussie songs of the 80's, Paul Kelly is one of the first artists that comes to mind, along with Hunters & Collectors, Men at Work, Icehouse & Noiseworks.

I hope you enjoy To Her Door by Paul Kelly.

They got married early, never had no money
Then when he got laid off they really hit the skids
He started up his drinking, then they started fighting
He took it pretty badly, she took both the kids
She said: "I'm not standing by, to watch you slowly die
So watch me walking, out the door, out the door, out the door"

She went to her brother's, got a little bar work
He went to the Buttery, stayed about a year
Then he wrote a letter, said I want to see you
She thought he sounded better, she sent him up the fare
He was riding through the cane in the pouring rain
On Olympic to her door
To her door
To her door
To her door

He came in on a Sunday, every muscle aching
Walking in slow motion like he'd just been hit
Did they have a future? Would he know his children?
Could he make a picture and get them all to fit?
He was shaking in his seat riding through the streets
In a silvertop to her....
Shaking in his seat riding through the streets
In a silvertop to her door
To her door
To her door
To her door

Pop over to Signs, Miracles &
& see what other songs
are being highlighted today.
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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

Let's go back... way back.

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