Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why Bother...

Why bother blogging every now & again, when it's only memes or blog fill ins? I read something on twitter (how to make your blog better) that if you blog frequently about nothing, then you will loose readers (because no one wants to read about the boring daily life of a random on the internet). It's quality over quantity. If you post less frequently about more important things, then (although your readers may drop off with your sporadic postings), you will keep the readers who feel you supply them something IYKWIM.

Why bother entering blogging challenges, when I either never take part, or drop off after a couple of days? This includes the Photo a Day Challenges (which are a fantastic idea & IRL if are done, could be a story book of your life) & NaBloPoMo.

Why bother posting about weightloss, when I spend the morning / afternoon / evening on the couch, eating junk food & not doing any exercise?

Why bother posting menu plans, when (at the end of the day), I CBF cooking & end up with something quick & easy, like toasted sandwiches, leftovers (if I have cooked the previous night) or the dreaded takeaway?

Why bother even considering transferring my last 2 remaining embryos, when I'm not doing a good job at being a Mum now. If I can't handle 2, how the hell could I handle 3?

Why bother at all?
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Hi There, I am...

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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

Let's go back... way back.

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