Monday, February 28, 2011

We need a solution

I am over the constant coughing, vomiting & runny noses. There has to be a solution.

It's not just the constant cleaning of clothes & bedding after the vomiting, but to here them coughing, sneezing, struggling to breath & not being able to do anything about it.

Here's a post I posted on a forum to ask of anyone had any ideas...

Just wondering if anyone else had an issue with having respiratory issues diagnosed before 2.

Our ex 30 weekers have been having a hard time since last winter, with coughing, running/blocked noses & vomiting. After 5wks of back to back ABs in July, our GP prescribed a nebuliser, which quickly cleared up the problem. Although DS#1 continued to have vomiting issues, that our paed said may just be reflux.

Fast forward to September, where the issue returned. On return to our GP, he again prescribed the nebuliser & suggested Demazin for the sinus/nose with a possibility of hay-fever being the cause. After the Pharmacist informed us that Demazin was now only on prescription & not available for under 2's, she suggest kids Zyrtec, which like the nebuliser, cleared the problem, but still with vomiting issues.

After running out of full cream milk one day, I gave the boys skim milk & what do you know, the vomiting issue disappeared. This I know is a no-no as informed by our MCHN, especially for prems, who told us to change back or at least go 50/50. But the vomiting returned & back to skim we went.

Now again we have the coughing/nose/vomiting back. Our GP said that the issue was obviously caused by a respiratory issue (build up of mucous not being able to be cleared into lungs or similar, backing up the sinuses & causing the coughing/vomiting), but as they are not 2, Asthma (the only thing so far mentioned by both GP & paed, apart from hay-fever) can not be diagnosed & stronger medication can not be prescribed.

Now I am getting so frustrated with the constant changes of clothes/bedding due to the vomiting, not to mention the frustration of seeing the looks on their faces & not being able to help them. The vomiting occurs & then they just go on like nothing has happened, but it must be effecting them, surely. DS#1 (my main vomiter) was always below 10th percentile & I'm sure with him becoming more mobile & the on again off again vomiting & now with his pants falling off more often, that he has either lost or stopped his weight gain. DS#2 is not normally a vomiter, but his sinuses are so blocked (even with the meds lately), that he to in the last week, has vomited just as much.

I saw another GP last Thursday & she has referred us for a chest x-ray, but said not to expect anything. We see the paed again early April, so maybe he can do something with them being almost 2yrs AA. Then again, I may have to wait until they are 2yrs CA.

So I suppose what I am asking, is has anyone else's prem had the issues I've described & what was the outcome, or are these common issues with prems & how can the be rectified. Any advice or knowledge will be appreciated.

There are only 2 replies so far. Not sure if it's because it's a slow moving area of the forum, or if it's me ( I have been know to be a bit of a cow there ).

So if anyone is reading & may be able to suggest something, I would really truly appreciate it.
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