Menu Plan Monday #8

So moving right along, the next thing to get right is our menu planning. Like I said last week, rather than menu plan for each day, I will menu plan for the week, with interchangeable meals depending on the day & circumstance.
We are still yet to try a Vegetable Lasagne, so that will again be on this week's menu. Tonight (Monday) we had Savoury Mince & Mashed Potato.
I have both R & A home with Hand, Foot & Mouth (poor little guys) & it's going to be a cold week, so I'm looking at some winter warmers. Vegetable Macaroni & Cheese is an idea, but I'll add some tuna or chicken, as last time it felt there was something missing.
You can't go past a Beef Casserole during winter & maybe some of those Deviled Sausages that everyone seems to love.
Saturday night we have a game of Footy (if the kids aren't still sick), so it might be a quick & easy takeaway night & Sunday... Well if I don't use one of the above, then I'll think of something.
Pop over to I’m an Organizing
Junkie!! & see what others
have on the menu this week.
Junkie!! & see what others
have on the menu this week.