Thursday, July 21, 2011

More working hours

I've been back at work since Feb, working 2 days/10hrs per week. It suits because I get time away from the boys & they get to experience daycare (which has been fantastic for their development). 10hrs was also good, because although I lost a little money from the government benefit that I was receiving, it was a little extra cash even though with the boys in LDC, I was out of pocket.

There is really no intensive to work. You get X amount for being a SAHM on welfare, but as soon as you earn a little bit of spending money, you loose big amounts of the benefit. Now if you don't need it, then you shouldn't be getting it IMO, but it's obvious why there are so many people, sitting on their backsides NOT working, or women popping out kids willy-nilly, so they don't have to work.

For working my 10hrs & having the boys in LDC 2 days, I am OOP around $50pw & that is after child care benefit & child care rebate. Now back when I was a kid, there was no baby bonus, maternity leave payment, CCB, CCR, etc, so what am I complaining about? I don't know.

I actually started of posting about how I've been offered a extra day (6hrs) at work. Yes, I will loose even more parenting payment & when push comes to shove, it only works out to be $50 extra pw (call it square), but I think I'm going to take it. The 5am start will be a PITA. I've gotten used to the 7am wake ups, after 13yrs of 6am starts, but you have to do what you have to do. It's a Thursday, so DH can take charge & I wont need another day of LDC, even though I was considering it, as  R & A are enjoying it.

So that's that. I can see I'm going to be stuffed after 3 consecutive days, but I have been thinking about asking for more hours & now, here they are. I've enjoyed my 10hr weeks, but think the extra shift will ease me back into work & who knows, if I don't do another FET this year (which I would really like to), I might be back full time soon. Come to think of it, PT is quite enough.
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I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. -- Life is full of fun & games.

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