Currently January

What is Currently? - From the Author
'Well I thought it would make for a refreshing, fun, and thought provoking THINK WRITE SHARE linky party. So here is what you do... Write down what you are currently listening, loving, thinking, wanting, needing & stalking.'
Some here's my currently...
Listening to CFA (Country Fire Authority) Updates (It's been very hot here in Australia today & there have been quite a few bushfires), with SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance) USA in the background (it's the last season & although I know it's well over in the states [Please don't tell me who wins], we are only getting to watch it here in Oz.
Loving the last few days of my holidays (I go back to work on Monday, after a 2wk break).
Thinking about Life.
Wanting the cool change to hurry up and arrive (as I said, it's been hot here today. 42C or 108F. Even now at 1am, it's still 32C or 90F).
Needing sleep (but it's 1am & I'm not tired thanks to the heat).
OLW - Breathe