Sunday Session - SummerYou wouldn't think it with the temps we've been having, but Summer ends next Thursday.
So in honour of another Summer that has come & gone, here …Read More
Thank You & Top 5 February
The Top 5 viewed posts for February were:
- I Must Confess…First Job
- Wordless Wednesday - Is there a Dr in the house?
-&nbs…Read More
Sunday Session - CryIt's been a stressful few weeks here (with the house going up for sale, not knowing if I have to move & then R having his op). So the theme for&nb…Read More
Sunday Session - St Patrick's Day
In honour of St Patrick's Day, I thought I share some of my favourite Irish Bands & Songs.
I hope you enjoy them.
I'm linking …Read More
Sunday Session - BirthdayIt's my Blogoversary tomorrow & that also means I'm a year older.
Another year older, but none the wiser.
Here are 5 x Birthday songs. I hope yo…Read More
I'm a Brisbane Lions AFL Fan, an Obsassenach of Outlander, a My Peak Challenge Aussie Peaker, a Parkrunner & a Mum of Twins. --
Life is full of fun & games.