Menu Plan Monday #7

Meatless Monday worked a treat, but it felt like something was missing. I'll do some snooping to find some new recipes & see if it helps.
Here's this weeks addition.
Monday -Deviled Sausages with Mashed Potato
& Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding with Custard
Tuesday - Vegetable Lasagne
Friday - Homemade Fish, Chips & Veg
Saturday - Hotdogs
Sunday - Homemade Hamburgers
I'm thinking about changing my MMM, from a Mon-Sun menu to a Tues-Mon menu & also just adding meals which are interchangeable throughout the week. We'll see how we go.
Pop over to I’m an Organizing
Junkie!! & see what others
have on the menu this week.
Junkie!! & see what others
have on the menu this week.