Meet Me on Monday #4
Yes, I know it's Tuesday, but Blogger still isn't behaving itself (I'm using the old post editor, as the new one is the reason we can't post).
This week's Meet Me on Monday questions haven't been posted yet (probably thanks to Blogger), so I'm using an older set of questions.
1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This week's Meet Me on Monday questions haven't been posted yet (probably thanks to Blogger), so I'm using an older set of questions.

2. Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them?
It depends. I usually have my Footy Frenzy Friday posts scheduled, but have missed a few of late. Otherwise, I just publish when I post.
It depends. I usually have my Footy Frenzy Friday posts scheduled, but have missed a few of late. Otherwise, I just publish when I post.
3. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yes, when I was taken to hospital to have my gallbladder out.
Yes, when I was taken to hospital to have my gallbladder out.
4. What is your favorite candle scent?
Candles have scents? Yes, I know they do, but I'm not a candle scent burning person.
Candles have scents? Yes, I know they do, but I'm not a candle scent burning person.
5. Coffee or tea?
Coffee. White with 2 please.

Coffee. White with 2 please.

Pop over to Meet Me on
Monday at Never Growing Old
to see how others have
answered this week's questions.
Monday at Never Growing Old
to see how others have
answered this week's questions.