Menu Plan Monday #10

We have been good & haven't had takeaway for weeks (except Pizza & Fish & Chips at the inlaws), but without a dedicated daily plan, I found that we would end up deciding what to eat at the last minute, then eating late or just having a cheat dinner (toasties, sausages in breaad, meat pie & frozen chips, etc), which is not always a good thing.
So with that, here's what I am planning for this week (I tried a 2wk plan, but only could only decide on 7 meals. Also, just because I have a dessert mentioned, we don't always eat it).
Wednesday - Fried Rice & Apple Brown Betty/custard
Thursday - Chicken Schnitzel/Veg & Ice Cream
Friday - Homemade Hamburgers & Fruit Salad
Saturday - Tuna Patties/veggies & custard
Sunday - Deviled Sausages /Mashed Potatoes & Lemon Meringue Pie
Monday - Veggie Stir Fry & Ice Cream
Pop over to I’m an Organizing
Junkie!! & see what others
have on the menu this week.