Meet Me on Monday #10

1. What kind of computer do you blog on?
I am currently blogging on a Compaq Presario C700 laptop. It's 3yrs old, but done it's job.
2. Do you wear perfume? If so, what kind?
Not normally. Only on special occasions & the I wear Red Door.
3. What do you do for a living?
I work in retail. I have worked for my current employer for 14yrs now, firstly part time, then full time & now part time again.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?
Yes. We have a ball of fluff (cat) called Tiger (Tigs). She has been with us for around 8yrs now (we became her 'parents' after DH's cousin had to find a new home for her).
5. Are you going anywhere for Summer vacation? If so, where?
Being August, we are a while away from Summer (although the last few days have been Fantastic). I very much doubt we will got away anywhere, but I'm definitely planning a few days trips here & there.
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